Railway delivery from China – all inclusive
Delivery by railway transport from China is beneficial when transportation is required at a fixed price per 1 kg. Accelerated container trains that are used for transportation follow the route without reformation and with the minimum possible number of stops. This allows you to reduce delivery times to 25 days, and the costs are reduced by proper customs clearance. It is unprofitable to transport only cheap goods (metal, fasteners, etc.) in this way.

Low shipping cost
From 1$/kg

Minimum groupage cargo from China
From 150 kilograms

We export from China per week
4 times

Turnkey delivery
It’s convenient with us
Additional services

Let’s take full goods insurance and list of documents.

Arranging a thorough check potential partner, including the study of constituent documents, history of fulfillment of contractual obligations,inspection of production facilities.

Let’s make an assessment
the true state of the product,in relation to the declared level of quality.
Detection of marriage and deviations from approved standards.